WM2002 - Stereo Headphone Driver with Cirrus Logic Ambient Noise Cancellation
WM2002是Cirrus Logic公司的一款编解码器产品,WM2002是Stereo Headphone Driver with Cirrus Logic Ambient Noise Cancellation,本站介绍了WM2002的封装应用图解、特点和优点、功能等,并给出了与WM2002相关的Cirrus Logic元器件型号供参考。
WM2002 - Stereo Headphone Driver with Cirrus Logic Ambient Noise Cancellation - 编解码器 - 音频 - Cirrus Logic
WM2002 - 产品描述
WM2002 - 产品特性
- CirrusLogicAmbientNoiseCancellation(ANC)
- >30dB(peak),25dB(typical)ambientnoisereduction*
- Widenoisecancellationbandwidth(40Hzto4kHz)*
- Upto3banksofANCcoefficientscanbeprogrammedtosupportdifferentoperatingconditions
- Audioinputs
- Upto10analognoisecancellationmicrophones
- 2single-endedor1differentiallineinputperchannel
- Headphonedriver(LDO4VOUT=1.8V)
- 45mWperchannelinto16?load
- 22mWperchannelinto32?load
- Single-endedordifferential(BTL)driveconfiguration
- -82dBTHD+Nfordifferential(BTL)drive
- Integration
- On-chipDC-DCboostconverter,charge-pumpandLDOs
- Flexiblepowersupplyoptions,includingsinglecellbattery(1xAAAbattery)
- Internalcrystaloscillator
- Miscellaneous
- Monitorpintoselectmute/talk-throughmodes
- LEDdriver
- Tonegeneratorforaudiblestatusindication
- Popandclicknoiseprotectioncircuit
- RFIsuppression
- 48-pinQFNpackage(7x7x0.75mm,0.5mmpitch)
WM2002 - 规格表
Part | Output Channels | SNR / THD+N | Power Supply (V) | Ambient Noise Reduction (dB) | Noise Cancellation Bandwidth (Hz) | Input | Comments | Package |
WM2002 | 2x single-ended or differential | 92/ -80 (ANC Off); 83/ -81 (ANC On) | 0.9to1.6(1.5 V AAA battery using internal boost); 2to3.3(2.5 V direct supply) | <=30 | 40to4000 | Single-ended/ Differential | Low power, stereo headphone driver with ambient noise cancelation | 48 QFN |
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