CS53L30是Cirrus Logic公司的一款低功耗音频转换器产品,CS53L30是Ultra Low Power, 4-Channel Microphone A/D Converter With TDM Interface,本站介绍了CS53L30的封装应用图解、特点和优点、功能等,并给出了与CS53L30相关的Cirrus Logic元器件型号供参考。
CS53L30 - Ultra Low Power, 4-Channel Microphone A/D Converter With TDM Interface - 低功耗音频转换器 - A/D 转换器 - Cirrus Logic
The CS53L30 is an ultra low power, high performance, quad-channel A/D Converter designed to enhanced voice processing features such as noise suppression, acoustic echo cancellation and multi-channel beamforming and offer improved performance in voice capture processing such as voice control and recognition. A flexible input front end supports up to four line/analog mic or four digital mic (DMIC) channels with two digital mic serial clock outputs. Up to four CS53L30 ICs can be configured to output up to 16 channels of data over a single TDM line for seamless system integration. With less than 2.5 mW of power consumption per channel, the CS53L30 is a targeted fit for smartphones, tablets and other consumer electronics applications.
- AnalogFeatures
- 91dBdynamicrange(A-weighted)@0dBgain
- 84dBTHD+N@0dBgain
- Flexibleanaloginputs:fourmic/lineinputs
- Fourmicbiasgenerators
- Mutepinforquickmicmuteandprogrammablequickpowerdown
- DigitalFeatures
- Volumecontrol,mute,programmablehighpassfilter,noisegate
- Twodigitalmic(DMIC)interfaces
- TwoDMICSCLKgenerators
- Four-channelI2SoutputorTDMoutput
- SystemFeatures
- Lowpowerconsumption
- <4.5mWstereo(16kHz)analogmicrecord
- <2.5mWmono(8kHz)analogmicrecord
- 8kHzto48kHzsampleratesupportmasterorslavemode
- Native(noPLLrequired)supportfor6/12MHz,6.144/12.288MHz,5.6448/11.2896MHz,or19.2MHzmasterclockratesandtypicalaudiosamplerates
- Selectablemicbias,digitalinterfacelogicvoltages
- HighspeedI2Ccontrolport(400kHz)
- 30-ballWLCSPor32-pinQFN
Part | Channels | Resolution (bits) | Dynamic Range (dB) | THD+N (dB) | Sample Rate (kHz) | Analog Inputs | Power Supply (V) | Comments | Package |
CS53L30 | 4 | 24 | 91 | -84 | 8?48 | Single-ended/ Differential | VP=3to5; VA=1.8 | TDM interface, <2.5 mW, mono analog MIC record, 4x MIC-bias | 30 WLCSP 32 QFN |