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Cirrus Logic产品 - CS48LV13介绍
CS48LV13 - Ultra Low Power Voice Processors Featuring SoundClear? Technology

CS48LV13是Cirrus Logic公司的一款DSP产品,CS48LV13是Ultra Low Power Voice Processors Featuring SoundClear? Technology,本站介绍了CS48LV13的封装应用图解、特点和优点、功能等,并给出了与CS48LV13相关的Cirrus Logic元器件型号供参考。

CS48LV13 - Ultra Low Power Voice Processors Featuring SoundClear? Technology - DSP - 低功耗音频转换器 - Cirrus Logic

CS48LV12/13 - 产品描述

The CS48LV12 and CS48LV13 ultra low power voice processors provide a new standard in HD Voice performance, functionality and cost effectiveness. These ICs are a total solution for handset and hands-free communications across a wide number of multimedia platforms. Featuring SoundClear technology, these products deliver best-in-class mobile noise reduction and echo cancelation, along with superior speech recognition.

The CS48LV12 provides all the voice processing features and performance needed for today’s high end smartphone, tablet and other voice communication devices in a tiny, ultra low power package. Its integrated media processor enriches music playback through speakers and headphones with built-in virtual surround, bass enhancement, bass virtualization, multi-band compression and parametric EQ algorithms, all tunable through a simple GUI.

The CS48LV13 provides the same feature set as the CS48LV12, but adds Cirrus Logic’s ASR Enhance to improve the accuracy of any ASR (Automatic Speech Recognition) engine under noisy conditions. The CS48LV13 supports several optional features including Cirrus Logic’s proprietary voice activity detector and ASR Enhance, and Sensory's TrulyHandsfree* voice control and speaker verification to enable “always on” voice wake up of mobile devices. An expanded menu of third-party media playback algorithms from Dolby** and DTS** also can be integrated.

* Sensory and TrulyHandsfree are trademarks of Sensory, Inc. It is hereby notified that a third-party license from Sensory, Inc. is required to use or distribute its technology in any finished end-user or ready-to-use final product.

** Dolby is a trademark of Dolby Laboratories, Inc. It is hereby notified that a third-party license from Dolby, Inc. is required to use or distribute its technology in any finished end-user or ready-to-use final product. DTS is a trademark of Digital Theatre Systems, Inc. It is hereby notified that a third-party license from DTS is required to use or distribute its technology in any finished end-user or ready-to-use final product.

CS48LV12/13 - 产品特性
  • HDVoice/widebandandnarrow-bandsupport
  • TxandRxnoiseelimination
  • AECplusnon-linearresidualechosuppressorforsuperiorfull-duplexecho-freespeakerphoneoperation
  • AmbientawareparametricEQforbothTxandRxvoicestreams
  • AutomaticlevelcontrolforbothTxandRxvoicestreams
  • AutomaticvolumecontrolforRxoutput
  • SpectrallymatchedcomfortnoisegeneratorforTxvoiceandcomfortnoisegeneratorforRxstream
  • Pre-integratedCirrusLogicalgorithms
    • Virtualsurround
    • Bassenhancementandbassvirtualization
    • Multi-bandcompressor
    • ParametricEQ
  • Optionalthird-partyaudioplaybackalgorithms(CS48LV13only)**
    • Dolby
    • DTS
  • CirrusLogicVoiceActivityDetector(VAD)forlowpower“alwayson”commandrecognitionapplications
  • SupportsTrulyHandsfreevoicecontrolandspeakerverificationbySensory,Inc.*
  • CirrusLogicSoundClearASREnhancepre-processorforincreasedASRaccuracyinnoise
CS48LV12/13 - 规格表
PartProcessorSpeed (MIPS)Voice Bands SupportedSpeech Algorithms SupportedPlayback Algorithms SupportedCore VoltageI/O VoltageTemperature RangePackage
CS48LV1232-Bit Dual MAC130Narrow, HDVoice/WideNoneCirrus Logic (Included)1?1.2V1.8?3.3V0to70°C;
24 QFN
CS48LV1332-Bit Dual MAC130Narrow, HDVoice/WideASR Enhance (included)
VAD (included)
TrulyHandsfree (optional)
Cirrus Logic (Included)
Dolby? (Optional)
DTS? (Optional)
24 QFN
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